What is it?
Nanite is a micro-framework to easily handle GET
and POST
requests with
just about any URL format you can think of.
What does it do?
- Easily handle GET/POST requests.
- Pretty/clean URLs
- Regular expression URL matching
- Contained in a single file
Show me
require 'src/Nanite.php';
// Use / for the main/index page.
Nanite::get('/', function(){
echo "Front page";
// All routes start with /
Nanite::get('/about', function(){
echo "About page";
// Regex enabled, groups get passed to the function.
Nanite::get('/projects/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)', function($project){
echo "Project page for {$project}";
// Handle a POST request
Nanite::post('/contact', function(){
// Handle submitted contact form.